Power Up Your Bowling – Understand Your Brain

Today we are going to talk about your brain. A lot of people simply do not understand their brain fully and manipulate their brain to their advantage. People generally only understood that their brain weighs approximately 31 lbs, it is divided into two halfs, a right and a left, each half of the brain has different functions.

That’s all they know about their brain.

Do you know? 
– Your mind reflects the physical brain and operates out of these two hemispheres. 
– Your brain has four waves, Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta, and everything we do falls into one of these categories. We shifts from one state to another throughout our day. 
– Flow Zone of Optimal Performance only exist when two halfs of our brain are balance, no distraction, no analysing and no anxiety.

Your Brain Mechanism

Your brain works on goal setting mechanism and you can think of it as a connection machine, it hardwires everything. The solid the concept is hardwired in your brain, the better you master the concept. Same thing as bowling, the better your brain hardwired your bowling skill with your mental strength, the easier you enter Flow Zone of Optimal Performance.

The brain sets goals, this is your right brain creativity function, it then breaks down the steps to achieve the goal, this is your left brain analytical and logical functions. Bowlers universally have the same goals, it is to bowl perfect game and to win as many tournaments as possible. The brain capture the goal then goes about working out how to achieve them.

The best bowler in the world might not necessarily the most physical talented, they do know how to manipulate their brain better though.

Left and Right Brain Dorminant Bowler

Let’s discuss how both right brain dominant or left brain dominant bowlers hinders their performance.

Many bowlers I have seen have right brain dominant, their motor skills for performance are there, they find it easy to get into their game, they don’t think too much. Their battle starts when they start to lose their sense of where they are in their innings and forget what they are working towards. The bowler bowls a ball that lets the pressure off and have not work out how to structure an over or a spell.They are habitual under achievers, they get good starts and yet cannot manage their innings or their spells..

Conversely, the left brain dominant bowlers tend to think too much of their game, and eventually paralyse themselves through over analysing what they need to achieve. Their performance gets hinder through analytical self-talk, anxiety and disrupted focus. These bowlers tend to battle to quiet their minds to bring their minds to focus. They just find it difficult to forget about their past and switch their focus.

Brain Synchrony

The world class bowlers have learnt how to balance the right and left brain and manipulate it to their advantage. They learnt how to select their goals, break them into small sequential chunks and then keep the mind quiet so they can bowl in the Flow Zone of Optimal Performance.

The Challenge is managing their mental state so they can manage their game.

The key take out for bowler is you have to learn how to manipulate your brain naturally and effortlessly maintain an optimal state of mind-body balance.

When your right and left brains are working together in synchrony, you are able to think clearly and calmly, make good decisions and set and complete your goals.

The brain synchrony is all bowlers’ goal to Flow Zone of Optimal Performance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8559824